The Master Energy Healer - Healing Hands training is designed by Fusun Rynart to discover your ability to HEAL your emotions, imbalances in your body & blockages that keeps you moving forward in life.
After a 2 days, Hands-on intensive healing program:
- You will be able to get rid of your negative beliefs
- Learn to HEAL (lots of practise on healing tables)
- Learn to Cleanse your Chakras
- Have a Karmic Healing
- Learn how to use your 3rd eye
- 3rd eye Activation with Mind Reading skills (Lion's gate)
- Start to heal and help others
- Learn gratitude to manifest more in life
These 2 days, we will dive deep into our heart and soul with meditations, and learn some special techniques to activate and use our healing power. We are all natural born healers. It is our birth right to be able to heal ourselves.
For who?
Everybody who is ready to discover their healing power or who wants to enrich his/her talents).
Practical information
Date: 4th and 5th May
Time: 10.00-16.00 (on both days)
For more information, contact Fusun Rynart mail: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
Price: 333 Euro
Early Bird Registration: 290 Euro (ends by April 19th)
Location: Frontspace
Fusun Rynart has been working as a Healer, Spiritual Coach & NLP Practitioner. She has been trained internationally by many well known teachers such as Doreen Virtue, Dr Eric Pearl, Sunder Devi, world famous Tony Robbins, and certified by the founder of NLP Richard Bandler as NLP Practitioner as well.